Sögur Case Study

We’ve managed to deliver Sogur’s message and position them as a fresh monetary solution in a saturated market.


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We’ve managed to deliver Sogur’s message and position them as a fresh monetary solution in a saturated market.
industry icon Industry: Blockchain, Finance
industry icon Location: London, UK

Sögur (formerly Saga) created SGA, a digital currency that is replicating the SDR (a basket of top fiat currencies). The goal of replicating the SDR with the reserve of SGA is to build a global currency that is much more stable than any other known currencies alone governed by its holders instead of one central entity.

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We genuinely LOVE working with the MarketAcross team. They are always there for sharing ideas, giving advice, and, most importantly, delivering results. Combine professionalism with honesty, transparency, and goodwill, and you'll find the perfect team to work with.

Keren Orian Nadel, Managing Director


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We’ve managed to deliver Sogur’s message and position them as a fresh monetary solution in a saturated market.


Sogur’s (formerly Saga) goal was to be positioned as an up and coming challenger in a saturated market. MarketAcross’ challenge was to get them sustainable media coverage after the market was a bit tired of stablecoin crypto projects with big dreams about a global currency. Since Sogur’s offering is complicated, we had to get our contacts (Journalists/bloggers/editors) to be interested in their monetary model. This mission required a careful, yet clear and precise narrative, that would be very coherent, yet interesting and not too complicated for the average joe.


Create a positive brand awareness position.
Position Sogur as a Libra competitor (Facebook’s new cryptocurrency).
Create awareness around the possibility of an upcoming recession.
Comment on monetary news stories.
Talk about different hedging solutions and comparing them to SDR.
Instead of attacking Bitcoin, leverage the idea of Bitcoin as a world-reserve, and position Saga as a non-national *currency* that can co-exist and thrive with Bitcoin.
Discuss the importance of a non-national currency.

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Reddit traction

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Influencer marketing

Ivan on Tech Bullish: Major lightning news?! ⚡️
David Pakman Show Saga: a new type of global currency
Crypto Zombie Bitcoin price still falling!? Matic dumps 73%!! Is the Bull Market over?
@CryptoWendyO @sagacurrency just released this vid explaining why their solution is the best out of all the ‘store of value’ solutions out there. Genius marketing
@IvanOnTech In these tough times, at least someone is making a point and with a smile. According to @sagacurrency, diversification is the answer. Don't bet your portfolio, diversify it. Hard to argue with that.

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